TOMKET s.r.o.
Vojtěšská 245/1 (it is not the dispatch point of the goods - we send the goods to your address)
110 00 Prague 1
ID: 25123998
VAT: CZ25123998
Certificate of Incorporation, VAT registration certificate
Branch office
Pražská 16/213 (it is not the dispatch point of the goods - we send the goods to your address)
370 10 České Budějovice
Business premises
Tolarova 630 - place of return of used tires
384 51 Volary
Jetřichov 165 - place of return of used tires
549 83 Jetřichov
Prefer to contact by email, we try to respond by return, you will normally receive a response within 10 minutes. If you like a phone call, 15 customer service staffs are ready for you, but at the time of the peak season, this amount is not enough to satisfy all customers, but we always respond to emails.
+420 245 009 925
fax: +420 387 410 130
If you are not satisfied with the actions of our employees, or with the way of solving the problem, contact us at and write "Complaint" in the subject of the email, this complaint will be addressed by the management of the company.
Working hours
Mo - Fr: 8:00 - 16:00
e-mail: 24/7/365
Customer Service - We are here for you!
Jan Hanus, customer service manager
info[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czJiří Rzeszutko, customer service
info[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czAndrea Vachová, customer service
info[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czKateřina Planková, customer service
info[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czCustomer service for foreign countries
Mgr. Jolana Bonešická, customer service manager
fr[at], de[at], at[at]tomket.comspeaking: french, german, english
Wholesale - pneu[at]
Jan Švec, wholesale, planning and logistics
jan.svec[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czWarehouse Volary
Lukáš Sippl, dispatch
volary[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czKlára Irová, dispatch
volary[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czWarehouse Jetřichov
Petr Rajnoha, Jetřichov warehouse manager
petr.rajnoha[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czSimona Valášková, dispatch
jetrichov[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czJitka Pejchalová, dispatch
jetrichov[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czKlára Josefová, dispatch
Josef Čada, control manager
josef.cada[at]nejlevnejsipneu.czRadek Grill, company owner
Every customer is the most important for me. In case of a problem, send me an email and I will do everything for your satisfaction.radek[at]
with questions regarding sales of tires please contact our customer service